Fang Ai Lian

Fang Ai Lian

Independent Non-executive Director

Date of appointment: 31 July 2017

Board Committees served on:
• Audit and Risk Committee (Chair)
• Nominating and Compensation Committee (Member)
• Sustainability Committee (Member)

Mrs Fang was with Ernst & Young LLP from 1974 to 2008 and held various senior management positions in the firm. She was appointed Managing Partner of the firm in 1996 and Chair in 2005.

Mrs Fang is currently an Independent Director of Singapore Post Limited which is listed on the SGX-ST. Mrs Fang has previously served on the boards of other companies listed on the SGX-ST, including Banyan Tree Holdings Limited, Great Eastern Holdings Limited, Metro Holdings, Singapore Telecommunications Limited and Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. Additionally Mrs. Fang is also Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Singapore Business Federation and Medishield Life Council.

Mrs Fang is qualified as a Chartered Accountant in England; she is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales and is a Fellow of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Singapore.
