Completion of acquisition of Firenze

Stoneweg EREIT Management Pte. Ltd., in its capacity as manager of SERT (the “Manager”) refers to the Prospectus and the announcement dated 30 November 2017 in relation to the listing of SERT, which state that Firenze, a property located in Via della Fortezz no. 8, Florence, Tuscany, Italy, will only be acquired if the Italian Republic does not exercise its pre-emption right to acquire the property.

The Italian Republic did not exercise its pre-emption right to acquire Firenze and the Manager is therefore pleased to announce that SERT has on 15 February 2018 completed the acquisition of Firenze (the “Completion”). Following the Completion, SERT’s portfolio comprises 74 Properties.

Capitalised terms used above, unless otherwise defined in the prospectus of Stoneweg European Real Estate Investment Trust (“SERT”) dated November 2017 and registered by the Monetary Authority of Singapore on 22 November 2017 (the “Prospectus“).
